About me
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas, advised by Prof. Yunhui Guo.
Prior to that, I earned an M.S. in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, following a B.S. in Mathematics from Southeast University.
My research interests lie in Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Specifically, I am working on Continual Learning and Prompt Learning.
Email: [firstname].[lastname] [AT] utdallas.edu
Inconsistency-Based Data-Centric Active Open-Set Annotation
Ruiyu Mao, Ouyang Xu, Yunhui Guo
AAAI 2024
In my spare time, I love powerlifting🏋️, bouldering🧗, and playing the guitar🎸. I am also quite skilled at board games such as Werewolves🐺.